Jim spent the morning out with the owner of Wals Camp on his 4000 acre farm on the other side of town helping him feed out to the stock. He was pretty shocked to see the country so dry although the stock, so far, are still in pretty reasonable condition. He wants to take me out next time to take a few photo's which will probably be on Monday. He went out again in the afternoon to help cut Gidgee branches down for the stock to eat as well, that is how rough it is out here, there is nothing for the stock to eat except what the farmer can give to them. I will find what its like when I go out on Monday.
When we got to the camp area and set up yesterday we had a visit from this beautiful horse, gave him a carrot,
I hope he will be a regular visitor while we are here. Also had a visit from Wals dog, 'Gidgee" a lovable old chap which Dot and Dash wanted to eliminate at first, but I think they really like him.
We went out to the farm on Monday as planned, Jim to help out with the feed and I followed them in Jimny with the pups to get some photos. Man, it is really sad, I almost cried to see how dry it is, there is actually NOTHING TO EAT!!! for the stock
This photo I took out of the car window, it shows nothing, really, like it is, at all, but it gives some impression of how dessicated the ground is, only dry dirt and a few scrubby looking half dead shrubs without any leaves at all.
So, after a shocking look at the way people,(farmers especially) have to live out in the west, with so many years of drought, I guess it will rain someday and transform the land into a thing of beauty, but until then, I hope they survive this year and finally get some rain or they will be in deep sh---t. We are only visiting the area and quiet frankly I am glad I don't live here.
Any way we went back to camp for a nice lunch and a restful afternoon on into the evening when this happened to the sky. Another great sunset to be seen.
Nature is grand!!
On Tuesday I took the pups in the afternoon out to the Chinaman Creek Dam again to have a swim and called up to the lookout on the way back to take this photo of the Camp and the surrounding rugged countryside. Our bus is there somewhere! can you see it?
Wednesday 14th.
We had to get someone to have a look at the fridge and the only place is Mount Isa, so today we have an appointment at 10 am. Have left the trailer and Jimny at Wals camp and headed off in the bus, intend to be back in Cloncurry today.
On the way, we saw some sights, the road was pretty good but passing the road trains is an experience, then we had to pull over completely and come to a stop when this large load came toward us, it took up most of the road. No drama though, all was good and we carried on.
Some of the scenery was pretty spectacular as we travelled, it seemed to change all the time, rocky, flat, scrubby, few hilly mounds, no green at all and just plain rugged, as the photo shows.
We stopped for a smoko break at Fountain Springs rest area which is half way between Cloncurry and Mount Isa, then continued on our way, finally seeing in the distance, the smoke stacks of the mine site, they were easy to see some kilometres from the city and made a neat photo through the windscreen, you can just them in the distance.
Finally we got to the fridgie place, after some good navigating by me (Ha Ha). They took a couple of hours to do what they had to do and we were finished. Having had enough for the day the only thing we wanted to do before getting on the road to Cloncurry was to have a look at the Black Rock Open Cut mine, just so I could say I had been there and done that.
It was something I never imagined I was very glad Jim took me to have a look. It is a huge hole in the middle of the mine workings which is accessible to the public, used for getting Copper ore out of the ground. The photo hardly gives justice as to how huge it is.
So that was our trip to Mount Isa, we left about 1pm having not really wanting to be in a City at all, we did well and never got lost once. A couple of hours later we were back at camp in Cloncurry and took the rest of the day off.
Thursday 15th
We decided it was time to move on, heading for Julia Creek. We only got as far as Oorindi Rest area, 68 km from Cloncurry but settled down for the rest of the day and carried on to Julia Creek the next morning. Not much of anything at the rest area but a little oasis in the midst of all the brown.
On arriving at Julia Creek, fairly early in the morning, we found a Laundromat and did the wash, stocked up with a few provisions and coldies and went to the free park. It is on the banks of Julia creek which actually has water in it, it's brown and not very deep but the dogs enjoyed swimming in it. Julia Creek is on the Artesian basin and has no water shortages. The water comes from under ground and is hot, a novel experience for me to have hot water bubbling up from the ground in the middle of all this dry area.
This photo was what we saw while sitting in our camp chairs at sunset, very pretty.
We spent 4 days here. I saw some more Emus on the skyline, man, they are funny, but majestic looking creatures, I tried to get closer, but by the time I got up to where they were, they had disappeared.
Very exciting all the same.
Also there were a few Kangaroos and the pup's wanted go after them but I said No! too big for you!!.
So a lovely respite for a few days.
Couldn't resist this sunrise on our last morning here, taken over the water next to where we camped.
Tuesday 20th
We continued our journey and set forth for Richmond about 150 km east. While provisioning again, we met up with folk that we had met in Mareeba, in July, the whip cracking and fire twirling crew. Funny how you run into people from places that we have been too.
Then it was time to take off and I gave Jim a break from Driving for a change which gave me some much needed practise, it all went well. We took a side trip into a place called Nelia, 50km down the road. It is very tiny, only 3 or 4 houses and a little gallery of a photo display, they served Cappuccino, ice cream and other stuff (Thier words on the sign, not mine) and the old Post Office building which is no longer used, but it is a neat little place.
This Brolga statue is on the corner opposite the post office building, made of metal and machine parts.
We spent an hour or so there having breakfast.
Jim took over the driving and we were once more on our way.
We travelled as far as Maxwelton, there we stopped at a roadside rest stop for the night and experienced another great sunset.
Wednesday 21st
We continued to Richmond this morning and are camped in the local RV free park. It is very empty of anything but will spend a couple nights here and see the sights of Richmond.
'Till next blog, take care.
Chow for now.