The photo of the entrance sign into Karumba is pretty impressive, a nice way to be greeted into a town.
We have been here since Monday 29th July, have had a great time although there isn't much in Karumba. It is known for it's great fishing but we never got a line wet. It is a town in 2 parts, the township which has the day to day needs of life, shops etc and Karumba point which is famous for the sunsets that can be seen from the shore. We stayed in Karumba township.
I went on a sunset cruise on Thursday evening which was neat, prawns, wine, cheese and fruit platter all inclusive in the moderate fare of $45.00.
This is me on the way out to see the sunset, in the background is Karumba point and endless sea beyond there all the way to who knows where, it seemed to go forever.
While out on the Norman river sunset cruise we spotted this huge Salty crocodile, on the bank, just minding his own business, never gave a continental that I was there with about 30 other people on the boat taking photo's of it.
This is the sunset that I went to see, it was pretty neat.
This pic shows us at the beach on Karumba point.
On Sunday morning we discovered that the fridge wasn't working properly and decided we had better head to somewhere where we could get it looked at, therefore we headed for Normanton on Monday morning, but not before I took the pups for a walk down the creek for a look and a hunt for them, which turned out successful on their behalf and I took this photo of the creek, even though it is very dry, this section of it was pretty in the morning sun and the pups managed to have a quick swim.
In Normanton we found no fridgie to have a look at the fridge so we re provisioned the larder, filled the water tanks etc and took this great photo of 'Krys' the Savannah King.
It is a replica of a Crocodile shot by a woman and is the largest estuarine Croc to have been shot in the world, measuring 8.63 m long. Pretty impressive to say the least.
Dot reckoned that it was a bit of a mouthful!!
We left Normanton about 1pm with the intention of spending a couple of nights at a rest stop called Bang Bang, in the middle of nowhere on the way to Cloncurry.
We found Bang Bang rest stop by 3pm and set up camp.
This sign was at the entrance to the rest area and I reckoned it was telling it like it was. there is definitely nothing out here but more dry dust and light scrubby bush. Way out Woop Woop alright!!
As you can see by our camp site, this is all there is here, but it is not a bad place to rest up on the way to Cloncurry. It's about halfway to Burke and Wills roadhouse from Normanton, which we will head for on Wednesday, and then carry on to Cloncurry as planned.
Wednesday 7th august we left Bang Bang rest area fairly early at 8am on our way to find a fridgie to have a look at our fridge. On the way I was amazed to see all the Termite mounds that abound each side of the road,(not much else to see either) took this pic. through the bus window, they reminded me a never ending line of gravestones, which I thought was pretty fitting seeing as how dry and dead everything looks out here.
We stopped for breakfast at the Burke and Wills roadhouse, not much here either but had to prove I have been there by taking another photo. Ha Ha!!
On the road again, the lo-o-ong straight road to Cloncurry, I had been on the lookout for an Emu or two and finally spied a couple roadside, passed them by without stopping, but great, I finally saw wild Emu Yay! Stopped at another rest area called Quamby, 46 km out of Cloncurry to make a few phone calls to book into a Van park and to have a smoko break. As we neared Cloncurry Jim pointed out these pyramid looking features on the horizon, (we're not in Egypt) as it turns out these rock formations are pretty common around here.
Arrived at the Discovery caravan Park midday and settled in for a couple of nights, washing day tomorrow and all the chores to be done.
Thursday 8th. We took a drive in Jimny out to the Chinamens Creek Dam this morning, the water is pretty low, but still looking good, plenty of Pelicans, a couple blokes fishing, don't think they caught anything though and Dash went for a swim, Dot decided against it, didn't want to get her feet muddy, unlike me, I managed to get mucky.
This is where we are at, at present, camped at Wals Camp. a bit out the back of town, nice and quiet. Will be here for a few days I think.
Catch Ya soon.