On the way we came across a cattle drive, it was a huge mob who had right of way. so around them we traversed (with help of a motorbike riding drover!)
We came across the designated rest stop a little before the cattle drive but the drovers had set up their camp there, so we went on to this crossroad to spend the night. The other roads led to Twin Hills 12km west and Avon Downs 20km east. We had a 360 degree view of the surrounding country and it is vast to say the least, making us very small beings on the horizon.
By this time it was getting pretty late for us, after 4pm.
I walked the pups and we had a bite to eat.
Just relaxing, watching the sun going down, I took a few pictures. This one is rather nice, I thought, of Yip and Dot playing in the last of the evening sunshine and the tree looks fantastic too.
Wednesday 10th
Moving on - Arrived in Clermont mid morning, passing this pile at a mine site 18km from Clermont. View taken through the windscreen of Dilligaf, doesn't look much here, but it is huge.
We bypassed Clermont, but just a little way outside the town at a roadhouse, stopped for a spell. This tree covered in shoes, boots, slippers, sand shoes and every kind of footwear you could imagine was in the car park, funny stuff!!. Obviously travellers and maybe locals have been leaving their footsteps in Clermont for some time.
A little further down the Gregory highway we travelled on to Capella, about 50 km short of Emerald. We found Capella a pretty little town and are staying at the Capella caravan park for the night. The park is neat and tidy, very green with lovely garden setting and shade trees, at $29.00 per night, very nice.
A pleasant couple days of travelling, covering 400 or so km in the 2 days which is more than enough for us.